Pujya Acharya JagVallabh Maharaj's

Pushya Parivar


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Gurudev's Biography

Early Life and Contributions

The reverend has guided his life based on the rules and codes of excellent conduct and behavior, so much so that those who have witnessed it have praised it. Many have experienced the devotional aura of Param Pujya Aacharya Vijay Jagvallabhsuri Maharaj Saheb. Jaswant, born in the village of Saayala in Kathiawad, who could hardly memorize five shlokas became Muni Jagvallabh Vijay and learnt by heart 18000 sholkas.

Due to the typical Zalawadi accent he used to become a subject of fun at times. Under the auspices and blessings of Sidhant Mahodadhy Aacharya V. Premsuri Maharaj he compiled an 80 page commentary on the epic ‘Tilakmanjari’. The land of Sorath (in Gujarat) is a birth place of many saints and poets. Reverend Aacharya Jagvallabhsuri scaled great heights of devotion and created 2000 hymns (stavan). 

Epitome of Worship and Devotion

On the auspicious inspiration from reverend Premsuri Maharaj he accepted the oath and gave up greens and vegetables for life. He served Pujya Vardhman Taponidhi Aacharya Vijay Bhuvanbhanusuri M. with deep devotion and in return received showers of blessings. Reverend Aacharya Vijay Sahajanandi Dharmajitsuri M. blessed him with the gift of ‘Dharmachakra vidya’.

The reverend has made immense contribution in protecting the religion and as a religious preacher and this was possible due to the blessings of numerous other reverend monks. He has been instrumental in organizing many Updhaans and has always remained a source of inspiration and a subject of worship of many Jain Sanghs. He has to his credit more than 100 Anjanshalaka and has spread the religious faith to various villages. Inspite of remaining engrossed in such external looking religious ceremonies, he has not allowed eternal worship in his soul to fade.

Gurudev's Achievements

Anjan Shalakhas
Paged Tilak Manjari

Some Gallery Glimpses

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